How To Define Your Dreams

purpose & abundance
How To Define Your Dreams

You know you have so much more potential inside of you, but do you know what you want to create in this lifetime?

So many of us struggle to define our dreams. Sometimes, we think we know what we want only to wind up feeling disconnected from that dream, or it's that we’ve never really allowed ourselves the gift of having time and space to dream.

Just a couple of years ago, I sensed I was ready to pivot. I felt like I was stuck in autopilot and lost in the day-to-day doing. I’d been unconsciously working towards a dream I’d held for years without noticing how much I’d grown, and I hadn’t taken the time to connect with the natural expansion and evolution of the dream my soul was now calling me towards. It was time to move into a new chapter of my life but I wasn't quite sure who the new me was going to be yet.

This confusion often arises when we’re going through a period of transition. 

Perhaps you’ve been working hard and climbing the career ladder, but now you’re feeling burnt out and are questioning your calling. Maybe you’re a new mum, trying to find her identity after having a baby. Or you’re just no longer aligned with the same values and goals.

If you feel like you don’t know what your dreams are, I wrote this to remind you that they’re within you waiting to be activated. And when you activate them, those dreams are actually directions you can use to map out your ideal future and fulfil your purpose. 

In this post, I’m going to guide you through a 3-step process to help you dream bigger than ever before.


1. Set Up An Expansive Environment

Before we begin visualising and dream mapping together, let's set the tone and create an environment that gets inspiration and energy flowing. 

There are two ways you can do this. If you’re feeling stuck, get out of where you’re most comfortable. Being out of your natural habitat will help shift your energy. Maybe it’s heading out into nature or going to a coffee shop. Or, if you're already feeling inspired, set yourself up in a mindful way that nourishes your soul. 

When I did this practice recently, I put on an earl grey and cucumber wax melt, made myself a lovely cup of tea, and sat down with a new journal and gel pens. 

Once you’ve set up your sacred space, close your eyes, take a deep breath in and out, and let’s begin. 


2. Mine For The Light Within


These prompts are designed to expand your vision and potential. Answer them in whatever way you feel called… Get some crayons and draw. Paint. Dance. Sing... I like to write in a big notebook so it doesn't feel like I'm limiting my dreams. 

Connect with your heart and ask:

  • What would you be doing if you had everything you needed?
  • How would you be showing up in the world? 
  • Who is cheering you on and celebrating you? 
  • Who are your friends?
  • What books are you reading?
  • What are you listening to?
  • Where are you living?
  • Where are you travelling to?
  • What kind of work are you doing?
  • How are you being of service and sharing your gifts?
  • How are you feeling as this new, higher version of yourself?
  • What have you accomplished? 

While these are simple questions, perhaps you’ve never really given yourself permission to ask them before. Whether your dreams are big or small (they’re all meaningful), get detailed in your answers. 

If you’re struggling, try asking what you don’t want, then reverse it to land on what you do want

There's no rush. This might be a process that you return to again and again to excavate your dreams if they’ve been buried deep inside. 


3. Cast Your Vision

Now, looking over your answers, go deeper and ask yourself this: 

If I had all the money, time and energy in the world, and felt completely supported to be the highest version of myself, what would I be doing? 

Close your eyes and visualise yourself doing it. 

Feel into that vibration because that’s what attracts your desires to you.

This is so powerful because our brains can’t tell the difference between what’s real and imagined.

If you like, you can also download my Manifesting Meditation. I created it to help relax into alignment through your breath and hold inspired visions of yourself shining in the light of who you’re here to be. By feeling into the positive energy and vibrations, you’ll become a magnet for that frequency so you can attract all that you desire. 


Suspend Disbelief and Remember Your Divinity

A block that often arises when future mapping is fear around
how you’re going to make this happen. Thinking that you can't because you don't know every step will immediately stop your dreams in their tracks.

For now, I invite you to suspend any disbelief. Instead, simply allow yourself to dream. 

Once you know where you want to go, it becomes much easier to map out how you’ll get there.

And the truth is, you’re a manifestation of the Divine. You’re here to co-create. To bring the formless into form. This is a lesson in faith. All you have to do is remember that you’ve already been doing this your whole life. Taking ideas and turning them into reality… whether it's that painting, book, recipe, house, career...

The very fact that your dreams are within you shows that you’re the perfect person to bring them to life. That you already have everything you need inside. And when you tune in to your inner wisdom, you’ll be shown what to do and where to go.

Use his practice to help you become a more conscious, intentional creator. 

Now, I’d love you to share the big dreams you hold in your heart and if you have any questions, let me know in the comments. 

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