The Four Facets of Inner Guidance

spiritual connection
The Four Facets of Inner Guidance

Life is full of decisions…

“Where should I move to?”
“Is this relationship right for me?”
“Is this career in alignment?”
“Should I sign up for this program?”
“What’s next on my path?”

Big or small, these decisions make a huge impact because our future and the quality of our lives are shaped by our choices. 

That’s why making decisions can feel so stressful.

We’re often influenced by what others tell us or think we should do. Or sometimes we freeze out of fear (a nervous system response) and delay making important decisions because we just don’t know, which then limits our options or we miss the boat completely. Or we just don’t make a decision at all, which keeps us stuck in a situation we already know isn’t serving us.

Being able to make decisions is crucial to our happiness.

So, in this post, I’m going to teach you a tool called the Four Facets of Inner Guidance.

This powerful practice is one I share with my coaching clients and just like them, I hope you'll love coming back to it again and again to understand your truth and make decisions with ease. 


What Are The Four Facets of Inner Guidance?

This process allows you to tune into the four facets of inner guidance, and understand what your head, heart, body and spirit have to say. Each offers its own unique perspective based on its frequency. 


The head is the part of you that’s logical, linear, rational, makes meaning, and is perhaps more masculine in energy. It often communicates through thoughts, data, numbers, facts and figures. It thinks, rather than feels. It’s where we’ve been trained to spend most of our time but as multifaceted beings, our heads are only one part of the decision making process. 

The heart carries its own electromagnetic frequency connected to feelings and emotions. It taps into your dreams and desires, and is perhaps more feminine in energy. It feels the anxiety, excitement, fear, joy, longing and connection - the full spectrum. It’s a place of sensitivity, vulnerability and resonance. 

The body operates in physical sensations, gut feelings, and movement. It’s ancient, primal and connected to your nervous system, ancestors and evolution. It may feel like butterflies in your stomach, expansion or contraction, or wanting to lean in a particular direction and away from another. It may feel like tension in your shoulders, like you’re carrying the weight of the world, or tightness in your hips from holding onto emotions.

The spirit experiences it all and is connected to something bigger. It’s wise, subtle, cosmic, ancient, intuitive, and clear. Sometimes it’s an instant knowing of truth and other times it requires silence and stillness in divine timing. It knows and recognises all of the facets. It’s the combination of them all and beyond, your highest self. It’s the spiritual expression of your intuition. 

How To Make Decisions With Ease

Now it’s time to make a decision tuning into these four facets.

Think about a decision you want to make - maybe it's about a relationship, a move, a new job, business opportunity, or your health. 

If you’d like to meditate on this together, download my Clear Guidance Meditation and journalling tool as part of the Light Work Meditation Collection, and let me guide you through each of the four facets.

Or in your journal, you can draw the table below on a blank page and follow the prompts. 


With that decision at the forefront of your mind...

In the first section, write everything your head says about the decision. What does it want to tell you? What are your thoughts? What are the facts?

Now, place your hand over your heart and connect with its energy. In the second section, write everything your heart says. What does it want you to feel? Notice any emotions or resonance. What do you desire? What do you ache and long for?

Drop down into your body now and place your other hand on your belly. In the third section, write everything your body says. Ground into your being. Where do you feel sensation, answers - somatically? Where do you feel sensation or tension? How’s your nervous system?

And lastly, take a deep breath and imagine a waterfall of white light flowing through you, clearing your energy. In the fourth section, channel the voice of your intuition. Tune in to your highest self, your inner knowing, your spirit. What wisdom does it want to share with you? It may offer something for you now or ask you to wait. Listen.

Now, let yourself be still and quiet. Reflect back here:

What came up for you?

Was there anything surprising to you?

How do you feel when you check in with all parts of you?

And now, what feels true for you? 

 If you feel called, share your reflections in the comments below. 


Return To The Wisdom Within

It takes a lot of courage to listen to the voice of your intuition.

But the more you exercise your faith in it, the stronger that muscle will get. 

Learning to trust your inner guidance system is how you start to make decisions with ease.

And with repetition of this practice, you’ll go deeper as you return to the wisdom within.

Use this anytime you need more clarity and guidance on making a decision that is in alignment with your whole and highest self. 


If you’d like me to lead you through this practice, you can find my Clear Guidance Meditation (set to a soundtrack of 852hz to enhance your intuitive connection) inside the Light Work Meditation Collection. šŸ‘‡šŸ»

Download your guided meditation and journal here


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