79. Relax Like A Yogi

The practice of restorative yoga is calming, cosmic and otherworldly. That's because it's rooted in relearning the habit of relaxation. In today’s world, don't we all need that? *Deep sigh*The poses - where we're completely supported by props - are designed to restore the natural processes of the body, so we can show up for our lives and dreams as our healthiest and highest selves. So, in today's episode, I'm showing you how to relax like a yogi! I talk about: 

  • How to support the natural ebb and flow between the stress and relaxation response;
  • Why nourishing the vagus nerve is so powerful for cultivating calm;
  • The key ingredients for relaxation; and
  • Yogic tools to help you rest, heal and thrive.

I hope this inspires your weekend wind down!


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