The Prana + Patchouli Podcast

The Prana + Patchouli Podcast

Hosted by: Amy Davies

What if there was a more easeful path to your dreams? Inspired by the desire for a gentler, softer way of being, in this show we dive into topics like the magic of rest, creativity, self-love, connecting with your...

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86. Journalling Meditation

Tune in for a guided journalling meditation to support your practice. Grab your journal (or a piece of paper) and a pen. Through your breath, you’ll relax and attune with the loving energy of the Universe so you can...
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85. Turn Inward For Answers

Do you have a journalling practice? Putting pen to paper can be a powerful way to connect with your inner wisdom, peace and Spirit. In this episode, I share some of my favourite tips to help you get going or fall in...
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84. Breathwork For Your Rising

Your breath is a miraculous tool you can use to magnetise life in your direction. Pranayama means breath control and our life force energy, prana, is influenced by the breath. Through your breathing practice, you can...
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83. How To Connect With Your Highest Self

Who is your Highest Self? How do you connect with that elevated part of you? In this episode, I'll show you how to bridge the material and the mystical, and become the expression of your soul's highest evolvement -...
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82. Soul Purpose Meditation

Tune in for a visualisation meditation that will help you relax into your intuition and open up your inner eye to get clarity on the big work you came here to do. Get ready to step into your purpose and say yes to...
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81. Embody Your Dharma

Are you embodying your dharma (your soul's purpose)? This episode is here to remind you that you're on this earth for a reason and to encourage you to share your gifts in a bigger way. Tune in to learn: How to align...
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80. Breathwork To Soothe Your Nervous System

The nervous system is a pro at automations and efficiency in the body, but sometimes these work against us. The beauty of mindful breathing is that we can start to shift some of these responses to soothe ourselves. In...
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79. Relax Like A Yogi

The practice of restorative yoga is calming, cosmic and otherworldly. That's because it's rooted in relearning the habit of relaxation. In today’s world, don't we all need that? *Deep sigh*. The poses - where we're...
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78. Burn Bright, Not Out Meditation

You might be exhausted from your big work in the world, or taking care of others. Tune in for a short body scan meditation to restore and replenish your energy - so that you can continue to shine brightly.   Links...
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77. How To Shine Brightly Without Burning Out

Feeling burnt out? This episode will help you light up the world again. I share a simple three-step plan to support you in your recovery (which goes beyond sleep and self-care,) and show you how to make it your...
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76. Breathwork For The In-Between Moments

In this guided breathing practice, we explore and embody the power of pauses (in Sanskrit, kumbhaka). As you linger in the quiet space between the inhale and the exhale, a deeper kind of wisdom and serenity can come...
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75. The Sacred Pause

How often do you honour the in-between moments? It’s the pause that invites peace, a loving perspective, and a sensitivity that allows us to respond to life with wisdom, rather than react out of fear. In this episode,...
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